“Just because something has happened every day for the last 10 years, doesn’t mean it has to be that way today”….

This summer, very unexpectedly, arrived a wedding invitation from a long lost, very dear friend. At some point because of distance, time, busyness, who knows, we lost touch. We didn’t drift apart, we didn’t have a falling out, we simply lost touch. But there it was, 7 years later, an invitation to her wedding and I knew instantly I had to attend.

During the festivities we had a moment to share together and it was like we had paused a conversation and just picked it up. As we caught up on the good, the sad, the progress, the everything, she shared with me the WHY for the invitation after being out of contact for so long. She said, “As I was considering who I wanted in my life moving forward, the people who I want to share this life with, it didn’t matter if I saw them yesterday or 10 years ago, they were the ones invited to the wedding. No matter what the previous years had been.” What vision!

This conversation, this moment, was one of those “OH!” moments. My dear friend reminded me that it’s never to late to do something different. Each day, each moment that passes is past. If you don’t like where you are or what is going on, do something different in the next moment. That is your choice. That is your opportunity. Be different.

Create the life you want to create, one moment, one decision at a time.

What’s your vision?



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