BigLiveVision in real life…

All doors open…

Welcome to BigLifeVision in real life. Thank you for joining the conversation – I hope you’ll join the community.

I believe vision is a power thing. I see its power in my life, in the lives of people I know and people I don’t know.  Professionally,  I have been training leadership for years and I see its impact on the leaders I have trainer, on their teams and their organizations.  Throughout all the lessons, exercises, simulations, training I have provided to leaders and aspiring leaders in my 17 professional years one things remains consistent…without vision everything is left to luck.

This became real to me about the age of 38 when, on the surface, I had the “perfect life” and I kept trying to tell myself just that: Kimberly “you have a perfect life”,  Me back: “then why aren’t you happy”.  I tried the usual stuff. Worked out more, went straight to the doctor and got on anti-depressants, drank more wine, worked harder at the same things, no luck.

Then I had the amazing opportunity to attend a session hosted by Peter Senge and the Society for Organizational Leadership (SoL) and something took root.  To be honest, the root was already there.  This wasn’t my first trip around the vision tree. I had two previous opportunities to build vision, but neither stuck (more on that later).  I went home and pulled out the 2 dusty notebooks (one from ’96 and the second from 2000) and compared.  Startling, the visions had similarities and the challenges in achieving the vision were also similar.  Humph…So I dug some more…  I was a long and sometimes hard journey but today I am truly happy.  I don’t mean to tell you that I run around with a smile on my face all the time telling everyone to cheer up, that would be obnoxious.  But I am happy, I am vision-centered and I know where I am going. My journey had smalls twists and turns, BIG HAIRY life decisions and a lot of change.  But it’s been worth it.  In this blog I will share things I learned from myself, from others, from experience, from the world in my journey to #BigLIfeVision.

Why BigLifeVision?  Great question.  Its’ simple – that is my personal vision statement: To Live A Big Life.  Some days are easier than others, sometimes reality is really hard to wrestle, sometimes…but most days at some point of the day I am reminded of what I am trying to create and I’m better for it.  Part of that is to create a community for people and a practice to share about vision and Personal Mastery.

I believe in the power and capacity of humans, of you.  I believe that when we create a destination in our mind and focus our energy towards that destination it is achievable. I believe a deeply personal vision for life can create space, energy and creativity for all of us.  I know that when we lead ourselves first and others second we are all better off on the journey.

I think my parents instilled this in me as a child.  I lived in a household that the klutzy-est of girls could dream of becoming a ballerina, that nothing was out of reach if you stretched far as long as you were stretching in the right direction.  Needless to say I did not become a ballerina, but I did stretch and reach and here I am blogging with you.

Join me, join this community to explore what vision, what personal mastery can be for you.


  1. Dayna

    Hello, please contact me for drinks and chatting, I haven’t seen you since Florida. Is that intentional? 🙂

    1. KC (Post author)

      Dayna – it is not intentional. I look forward to drinks and chatting right after I launch BLV…thank you for your support.

  2. Anders Kinding

    Without a vision, a clear and true purpose, life might become a blur. Either you chose to “pay forward”, “leave the World in a better condition than when you arrived”, or just “want to contribute to Mutual happiness and wealth” your life will be enriched. And you can live you life with pride and with a smile.

    1. KC (Post author)

      Anders – thank you for your insightful post. Truly a life worth living is one that contributes to the world and leaves it better than when you entered it….


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